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Taking a Peak at What Sets OpenPeak Apart

OpenPeak ADAM Review MDM BYOD

OpenPeak ADAM Review MDM BYOD There are a lot of Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution providers to pick from out there. Since all of these solutions work with the same set of APIs from Android to iOS and now Windows, they all offer the same basic MDM functions: standard remote wiping, password enforcement, app-pushing, whitelist/blacklist, et cetera. That is why it is important to take a deeper look at how solutions providers combine and work with the APIs to understand how they differ. Today we will take a look at a few things that separate OpenPeak from a few of there competitors.

First is OpenPeak’s ability to allow administrators to set up geo-fencing capabilities for specific applications and device functions. Being able to track and control application access or device functionality based on location can boost security measures and ensure that employees stay within the bounds of what the company deems productive. OpenPeak even allows administrators to limit application access to certain times of day.

They also bring containment features allowing for a nice separation of work/life device usage. Along with container functions, applications running within a virtual workspace under SECTOR are “wrapped”. This wrapping process ensures that these wrapped applications are visible only within the virtual workspace, abide by configured policies, encrypt file data for secure storage, and access the network according to policy.

In an indication that OpenPeak is looking beyond just MDM OpenPeak’s corporate app store, OpenShop, can be used to point to web apps or virtual applications in addition to distributing apps that are wrapped by Sector. It also has an analytics engine to provide high level reporting on app usage. Check out for more information on their Advanced Device and Application Manager (ADAM) solution set.

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