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Aruba Mobile Virtual Enterprise Qualified for Microsoft Lync Wi-Fi Compliance

Aruba and Microsoft Lync

Aruba and Microsoft LyncMicrosoft has been throwing a lot of spaghetti against the wall lately and one piece that looks like it might stick is the Microsoft Lync Platform. Aruba networks thinks so too, which is why they are happily announcing that their Mobile Virtual Enterprise (MOVE) architecture has received qualification in the Microsoft Lync Server Wi-Fi compliance program. “The program ensures that products comply with Microsoft’s guidelines for voice and video quality of service (QoS) delivery. Qualified products deliver a more consistent unified communications experience to end users while resellers benefit from fewer deployment issues and service call backs.”

For those who don’t know Microsoft Lync is an enterprise-ready unified communications platform. With Lync, users can keep track of their contacts’ availability; send an IM; start or join an audio, video, or web conference; or make a phone call—all through a consistent, familiar interface. Lync is built to fully integrate with Microsoft Office. The full Aruba press release can be found here.

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