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Pegasystems Incorporates New Express Methodology Into Pega Platform

Pegasystems Incorporates New Express Methodology Into Pega Platform

Pegasystems Incorporates New Express Methodology Into Pega Platform

Pegasystems has recently announced Pega Express, a new low-code software development methodology that has been integrated within its Pega Platform. This new methodology guides users step by step to quickly design and deploy Minimum Lovable Products (MLPs), while simultaneously allowing them to evolve and be altered over time. The methodology emphasizes a design-thinking approach through a guided drag-and-drop interface within Pega Platform’s App Studio environment.

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The Pega Platform offers a single role-based environment with no-code or low-code authoring, advanced developer tools, system administration, and AI modeling. Through agile methodology, Pega encourages short, frequent releases, allowing business leaders to evolve and keep pace with the market as it changes. Stakeholders can provide feedback and requirements from within the platform, which automatically translates into your preferred project management tool. If users want to move between cloud platforms or want to experiment with new technology, Pega’s model-driven architecture automatically implements new changes.

Pega’s new methodology emphasizes the following:

  • Designing each microjourney: This will guide app builders in designing small but high-value case types within an application, such as  “inquire about service”, “dispute a charge”, or “onboard a new partner.” It’s up to the app builder to choose the respective microjourney and its associated processes.
  • Selecting different personas and channels: This allows app builders to build for various personas and define how different users engage in the app. They can specify personas such as “customer,” “customer service agent,” or “lending manager.” App builders can also activate the most appropriate engagement channels, such as self-service portal, mobile device, or an agent desktop
  • Integrating relevant data: Pega provides a complete view of relevant data sources, including CRM, ERP, or other relevant tools. By visualizing all of this on a single screen, users can easily validate the data completeness of each microjourney and create comprehensive record.

“By incorporating design-thinking principles into how applications are created, we have turbocharged the pace of change in digital transformation,” says Don Schuerman, CTO and Vice president, Product Marketing, Pegasystems. “By infusing Pega Express methodology within Pega Platform, we’ve reinvented how businesspeople can engage with and evolve the systems that run their business, allowing them to quickly react to customer needs and stay ahead of competitors.”

Pegaystems was featured as a high-performing Visionary in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrants for Low-Code Application Platforms and Multiexperience Development Platforms.

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